Okai, as i had promised before, here goes the details of my trip.We started from here on Thursday night.We had to start late since we could get our cabin there only by 8 in the morning on Friday.By 6pm thursday evening, we realized that the SUV we had rented would fit just 5 people when actually we needed a 7 seater.So that created a tension, but living at one isolated corner of the world really helped.We got an 8 seater SUV by 8pm.We were 6 of us and a baby.We started from here at 1-30 in the night and reached Arkansas by around 9.15am on Friday.Sj and and the other two guys drove in turns. The cabin was quite beautiful and was on a riverside.It was a 4 bedroom cabin with 2 jacuzzis and stuffs like that and we got it for $200 for two days.That was a good deal.First day we roamed around looking for some place named eureka springs as the owner of our cabin told us, it was a good place to visit.But it was really far from where we stayed and it was noon by the time we reached there. We had a bad time hunting for restaurants and finally after having lunch from a Pizza hut we found on our expedition, we realized that it was already 5pm and most of the tourist attractions over that place would close by that time .We then drove to the Whitaker point which was on the top of our
must see spots.The road side views enroute this place was intensely beautiful.It was vivid green everywhere with lots of horses,cattle and deer grazing all around. We stopped a few times to take some pics.This actually spiced up all of us and compensated for the energy we lacked the whole day.Only thing was that the baby with us was getting a little impatient since she had to be placed on that baby seat the whole time we drove and this was taking its toll on her.It was during this time that i acually came to know that we were returning on Saturday night contrary to our earlier plans of returning on Sunday afternoon.This was really disappointing for me.But since it was very important for one of our friends to reach here by Sunday noon, i just kept my mouth shut though dishearted.We finally reached our cabin late that night, had a great time together and went off to sleep by 1am since we were all weary.
The next day we all got up late in the morning, ate pan cakes and eggs and started off from home by 12noon.We went to Devil's Den State Park which is a pleasant lovely place with waterfalls and trails around.We couldn't take any trails since we had the baby with us.We spent a lot of time there and returned by evening.We had our lunch late in the evening from a Thai restaurant we tracked down with the POI of our GPS.But i didn't find it as appaeling as the Thai food we get in our nearby Thai restaurant.Once back at home, we were all disappointed we had to return that night.We decided to spend quality time together and gave a hand on Rummy and later Pool.There was a pool table on the attic of the cabinet we rented.That was the best time of all... We played continously for 4 hours and had great fun.We finally started our return journey from there by 3.45am sunday morning without any sleep and we were all drained of all the energy left in us.We reached home on Sunday afternoon.All we did was have a buffet lunch from the nearby Indian restaurant and then fall asleep.Sj and me slept from 3.30 in the afternoon to 12.30 am in the morning.At midnight Sj microwaved frozen pan cakes and i had some grapes and juice for dinner.But this helped us little to achieve our threshold energy.So by 1am we were back in bed again and woke up by 8am the next day since it was a monday morning and Sj had work.Though the entire trip was really fun, the return journey proved really hectic for all of us.I took numerous snaps of neha, the sweet, naughty baby with us[She is our friend's kid, and as i always mentioned,both Sj and me love her like our own kid].Here are a few snaps of her during the journey.
1]I hate the unsympathetic person who invented child seats...

2]Cant you see i am bored in this disgusting child seat.Y not gimme some more attention.

3]Okai, If Mamma n you can continue singing more of those nursery rhymes, may be i will try to be pleasant.

4]Its my first time in the swing.I love it.

5]You think you can get my attention with a stupid camera??!!!Sorry, u r miserably wrong.

6]Dont you understand?????!!!!

7]This is what i want.Just let me run to the highways even if there are high speed cars.Can't they see, im here....

8]Like father like daughter

9]I said i hate child seats,but i love my "
10]Oh! I like the way you tell me rrrrrrrrrrreeeddd!!!!

11]when will I ever get out of this car?

12]Ok!Ok!Now that u r trying to get a good picture of me since so long, here, a
"kodak moment"..!!!

* Update: I almost forgot the best part of our journey.The temperature.The mercury rose upto 70 to 75F and we could move around without a jacket...yiippeeeee!!!!
What a sweet little babe..poor thing..but she's so much safer in her seat!!
yeah Deena... she is really so adorable, a sweet heart.
omg...what a cutie!!! she is just a doll. it sounds kinda like it was a bittersweet trip. good and bad. however, i would love, love to have a room with a pool table. i love playing pool. i don't do very well, but i really love it. i wish it was 75 degrees here!!! but its still been nice.
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