I got this from Grace and decided to try my hand in it.It seems fun.All the answers have to be in a single word.
1. Where is your mobile phone? Sofa
2. Your signifigant other? Family
3. Your hair? Permed
4. Your mother? Caring
5. Your father? Hero
6. Your favourite thing? Chicken
7. Your dream last night? Forgot
8. Your favourite drink? Water
9. Your dream/goal? Happiness
10. The room you're in? Hall
11. Your ex? Unaware
12. Your fear? Diseases
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Motherhood
14. Where were you last night? Bedroom
15. What you're not? Hypocrite
16. Muffins? Tasty
17. One of your wish list items? Audi
18. Where you grew up? India
19. The last thing you did? Cooked
20. What are you wearing? nighties
21. Your tv? Magnavox
22. Your pets? None
23. Your computer?Toshiba
24. Your life? Fun
25. Your mood? Bored
26. Missing someone? Family
27. Your car? Hyundai
28. Something you're not wearing?rings
29. Favourite Store? J C Penny
30. Your summer? Travelling
31. Like someone? Many
32. Your favourite colour? Black
33. When is the last time you laughed?Now
34. When is the last time you cried? Saturday
35. Who will re-post this? Many
Its really fun.Your turn..go ahead.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Weekend news
Okai...First of let me tell you that as we had planned we had a party and the guys cooked for us ladies[on 3/29].One of the dishes was a Biriyani which is a spicy,delicious,really yummy meal with rice and chicken. {Though any meat can be used, they preferred chicken as we all are big time chicken fans}.Then there was this dessert with carrot named carrot halwa from Sj.Both and the other dishes turned out to be really great and we had a great time eating.Baby Neha had her first haor cut yesterday and we went to see her after that in the evening.She has such teeny,weeny short hair now...about 1/10th of what she had.But she still looks as sweet and adorable as before.Another news is that, Spring has kind of started peeping out here a lot more than last week.There are lots of birds singing outside.Though it rained yesterday evening and most of today, we still had considerable mercury levels to play tennis.Sj plays good and im a beginner.Sj is my trainer and he doesn't have much patience on teaching and still managed to play help me learn for almost more than an hour.He even ot me a new racquet to practice.I want to go today too, but not sure as its still cloudy outside.It was thunder and lightning in the morning.
Friday, March 28, 2008
1. Some relationships are meant to be forgotten even if we dont want to.
2. Britney's is the last concert I saw; it was a dream.
3. Spring should be the best time to see and hear birds.
4. Oh no! I forgot that i have to finish reading the novel by tomorrow!
5. I've recently started an Indian dance class.
6. Flowers and kids never fail to make me smile.
7.And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a short drive with Sj, tomorrow my plans include an interesting get together when all the men in the group have planned to cook for the ladies and Sunday, I want to take a brunch at the nearby restaurant which im planning since weeks and couldn't go since im pathetic in waking up early!
2. Britney's is the last concert I saw; it was a dream.
3. Spring should be the best time to see and hear birds.
4. Oh no! I forgot that i have to finish reading the novel by tomorrow!
5. I've recently started an Indian dance class.
6. Flowers and kids never fail to make me smile.
7.And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a short drive with Sj, tomorrow my plans include an interesting get together when all the men in the group have planned to cook for the ladies and Sunday, I want to take a brunch at the nearby restaurant which im planning since weeks and couldn't go since im pathetic in waking up early!
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Do dreams really mean something?I dont know.I hope it doesn't.I dont want my dreams to mean anything to me.Thats the kind of dreams i saw a couple of nights. They weren't scary.They were pleasant in my sleep.Just not something i want to dream about.Leaves me with nothing but pain.
They say "an idle mind is devil's worshop" and I say "they are so right".My dreams weren't devilish.But I isn't something i must dream about.Its all gone from my life.I have come long ahead, but it wasn't that i was fast,it was that it left me on the way.My journey alone wasn't filled with thorns and stones like they say.But it was mostly roses and flowers.But even roses have thorns and memories do haunt me sometimes.I have moved on,So far that i cant even see it if i turn back or even if i want to,but then y did it leave so many imprints which i find so difficult to erase.Y couldn't it just leave me with all the pain it inficted,without any room for more pain.
They say "an idle mind is devil's worshop" and I say "they are so right".My dreams weren't devilish.But I isn't something i must dream about.Its all gone from my life.I have come long ahead, but it wasn't that i was fast,it was that it left me on the way.My journey alone wasn't filled with thorns and stones like they say.But it was mostly roses and flowers.But even roses have thorns and memories do haunt me sometimes.I have moved on,So far that i cant even see it if i turn back or even if i want to,but then y did it leave so many imprints which i find so difficult to erase.Y couldn't it just leave me with all the pain it inficted,without any room for more pain.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
First Love

We all love a lot of people in our lives, parents,relatives,friends,teachers etc,..etc... But I am not talkng about that love here.I am talking about the intimate romantic relationship we gift only a few with.I feel love is one of the most spiritual and intense feelings of all.Again its not the infatuation of the 13 year old im talking about.We all have had that kind of crushes at some point in our lives.But consider the feeling when we really fall in love with a person for the first time in our life.Those shy moments,exchange of secret glimpses and that fear of confessing the love.I think the real feel of all these is attained only when we fall in love for the first time ever.Later,in all our other relations even if these feelings would exist, still there would be lack of that spark we felt the first time.Im not saying that we wouldn't be able to love anyone else.We certainly can.But i think there would be lesser number of butterflies in our stomach this time we get a proposal.But we would be able to be more attached to another person who would be able to shower us with more love and care than the first one..All our past relations might fade away eventually,but not our first true love ever.Whatever would be the reason of the break up, our first love would always be sheltered at some silent corner of our heart even if all it left us with was sorrow and pain.Even we might not realize it most of the time.But there would be certain point in all our lives, when it just peeks its head out from there and remind us of their existance.Now I am not sure how many actually agree with me.But i feel if u r not reminded of such a relation, then may be it might not have had completely qualified for the position of "First True Love".I come from that part of the world where fallng in love is not considered a very desirable act.Not that not body falls in love there.But the circumstances and society prefer it the other way and its not always that people get chances to mingle enough so as to fall in love unless they stay away from their homes for studies or job.We rarely have love marriages.So under these situations i really consider love,true love a very sacred feeling which connects hearts and being dumped as one of the most hurtful feelings which affects one's self esteem highly.Still first love is like that rose petal u left inside your school text book.Even after years that faded its beauty, u still like it and dont possibly have the heart to throw it away even when thats what your brain wants you to do.
The trip
Okai, as i had promised before, here goes the details of my trip.We started from here on Thursday night.We had to start late since we could get our cabin there only by 8 in the morning on Friday.By 6pm thursday evening, we realized that the SUV we had rented would fit just 5 people when actually we needed a 7 seater.So that created a tension, but living at one isolated corner of the world really helped.We got an 8 seater SUV by 8pm.We were 6 of us and a baby.We started from here at 1-30 in the night and reached Arkansas by around 9.15am on Friday.Sj and and the other two guys drove in turns. The cabin was quite beautiful and was on a riverside.It was a 4 bedroom cabin with 2 jacuzzis and stuffs like that and we got it for $200 for two days.That was a good deal.First day we roamed around looking for some place named eureka springs as the owner of our cabin told us, it was a good place to visit.But it was really far from where we stayed and it was noon by the time we reached there. We had a bad time hunting for restaurants and finally after having lunch from a Pizza hut we found on our expedition, we realized that it was already 5pm and most of the tourist attractions over that place would close by that time .We then drove to the Whitaker point which was on the top of our must see spots.The road side views enroute this place was intensely beautiful.It was vivid green everywhere with lots of horses,cattle and deer grazing all around. We stopped a few times to take some pics.This actually spiced up all of us and compensated for the energy we lacked the whole day.Only thing was that the baby with us was getting a little impatient since she had to be placed on that baby seat the whole time we drove and this was taking its toll on her.It was during this time that i acually came to know that we were returning on Saturday night contrary to our earlier plans of returning on Sunday afternoon.This was really disappointing for me.But since it was very important for one of our friends to reach here by Sunday noon, i just kept my mouth shut though dishearted.We finally reached our cabin late that night, had a great time together and went off to sleep by 1am since we were all weary.
The next day we all got up late in the morning, ate pan cakes and eggs and started off from home by 12noon.We went to Devil's Den State Park which is a pleasant lovely place with waterfalls and trails around.We couldn't take any trails since we had the baby with us.We spent a lot of time there and returned by evening.We had our lunch late in the evening from a Thai restaurant we tracked down with the POI of our GPS.But i didn't find it as appaeling as the Thai food we get in our nearby Thai restaurant.Once back at home, we were all disappointed we had to return that night.We decided to spend quality time together and gave a hand on Rummy and later Pool.There was a pool table on the attic of the cabinet we rented.That was the best time of all... We played continously for 4 hours and had great fun.We finally started our return journey from there by 3.45am sunday morning without any sleep and we were all drained of all the energy left in us.We reached home on Sunday afternoon.All we did was have a buffet lunch from the nearby Indian restaurant and then fall asleep.Sj and me slept from 3.30 in the afternoon to 12.30 am in the morning.At midnight Sj microwaved frozen pan cakes and i had some grapes and juice for dinner.But this helped us little to achieve our threshold energy.So by 1am we were back in bed again and woke up by 8am the next day since it was a monday morning and Sj had work.Though the entire trip was really fun, the return journey proved really hectic for all of us.I took numerous snaps of neha, the sweet, naughty baby with us[She is our friend's kid, and as i always mentioned,both Sj and me love her like our own kid].Here are a few snaps of her during the journey.
1]I hate the unsympathetic person who invented child seats...
2]Cant you see i am bored in this disgusting child seat.Y not gimme some more attention.
3]Okai, If Mamma n you can continue singing more of those nursery rhymes, may be i will try to be pleasant.
4]Its my first time in the swing.I love it.
5]You think you can get my attention with a stupid camera??!!!Sorry, u r miserably wrong.
The next day we all got up late in the morning, ate pan cakes and eggs and started off from home by 12noon.We went to Devil's Den State Park which is a pleasant lovely place with waterfalls and trails around.We couldn't take any trails since we had the baby with us.We spent a lot of time there and returned by evening.We had our lunch late in the evening from a Thai restaurant we tracked down with the POI of our GPS.But i didn't find it as appaeling as the Thai food we get in our nearby Thai restaurant.Once back at home, we were all disappointed we had to return that night.We decided to spend quality time together and gave a hand on Rummy and later Pool.There was a pool table on the attic of the cabinet we rented.That was the best time of all... We played continously for 4 hours and had great fun.We finally started our return journey from there by 3.45am sunday morning without any sleep and we were all drained of all the energy left in us.We reached home on Sunday afternoon.All we did was have a buffet lunch from the nearby Indian restaurant and then fall asleep.Sj and me slept from 3.30 in the afternoon to 12.30 am in the morning.At midnight Sj microwaved frozen pan cakes and i had some grapes and juice for dinner.But this helped us little to achieve our threshold energy.So by 1am we were back in bed again and woke up by 8am the next day since it was a monday morning and Sj had work.Though the entire trip was really fun, the return journey proved really hectic for all of us.I took numerous snaps of neha, the sweet, naughty baby with us[She is our friend's kid, and as i always mentioned,both Sj and me love her like our own kid].Here are a few snaps of her during the journey.
1]I hate the unsympathetic person who invented child seats...
Monday, March 24, 2008
PHOTO HUNT # 2- Metal
I missed the foto hunt on saturday.So im posting it today.The theme was metal.
The first foto is the St.Louis arch.It is completely made of metal and i just loved t when i visited the place last month.It was then that i took this foto.

This metal statue was is found at at Devil's den park, Arkansas.The significance of this can be found in the next foto.

I missed the foto hunt on saturday.So im posting it today.The theme was metal.
The first foto is the St.Louis arch.It is completely made of metal and i just loved t when i visited the place last month.It was then that i took this foto.
This metal statue was is found at at Devil's den park, Arkansas.The significance of this can be found in the next foto.
Im back
We got back yesterday afternoon from Arkansas.It was a good trip.But we had to return on saturday night than on Sunday as it was planned earlier as a friend who was with us had some important work to be done on Sunday.I got to know this only after we reached there.It was okai, though i was disappointed when i hears anout it first.But we had a good time there.I will write in detail later about what happenned each day. Arkansas is a beautiful place,Very quiet and calm.We couldn't visit too many places there , but we all had a great time together.But our return journey was kind of hectic as we hadn't slept well for 2 days and we started from there by 4am on sunday morning with out sleeping.So all we did after reacing home was sleep till today morning. took many fotos... i will add more here later. You can click on the photos to view them in the original size..
A view on the way to Whitaker point.This deer was special as this was the only one with a horn in the herd...
The moon looked exceptionally beautiful on friday night.
We found these herd of deer and cattle on our way to Whitaker point.There were nearly 30-40 deers and it was fascinating to watch them grazing and moving together.The view was breath taking with lush green pasture fenced by hundreds of trees
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Leaving tonight
FInally we are going to Arkansas tonight.Sj and 3 other of his friends will drive.Its 10 hours from here and may b an hour on breaks.We weren't very sure about going yesterday since our friend's baby got sick.But she is better now.We can check in there only by 8am.So we are off from here by 11pm.We got a good deal on the accomodation.A room and kitchen cabin stay for all of us at $250.We got to buy some stuff for breakfast tomorrow before we leave.I am just hoping that i'l have fun.All of you have a great week end.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Making me want to eat some potato now...
This is really sweet and funny.My friend's 18 months old kid says pothetho! pothetho! when she wants to see this video.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Everything happens for good!?

Do you believe in this saying "everything happens for good".I am a strong believer of the saying.Among Sj and me I can usually handle stress better than him.When something goes worng and if he is upset about it, i can always be stronger and influence him to think positive.I somehow have many reasons and experiences which made me believe this. But now a days when i feel a bit low, i question myself about this belief. I doubt if this is really true or is it just my way of coping with my blues.I am not sure.It wasn't this way till a few years back.I used to often blame god a lot if things went wrong for me.I used to cry and blame myself for many reasons and make a hell out of the situation making me all the more miserable.But then, after i started getting to believe this statement,i have reduced doing it.But i used to think why does things have to go wrong.If not for me then others.Why cant god just make everything go right.Afterall God is the supreme power, capable of everything.It might sound funny, but the other day when I watched this scene from Bruce Almighty, where God explains to Bruce about the old lady who had to lead a lonely life with lots of money who was otherwise to join her sister, I kind of felt may be its true.May be i am completely right in believing that everything happens for good. I dont know if its right or worng, but it sure makes me a lot optimistic and gives me a lot of peace and happiness in life.When ever something goes wrong, I feel may be something better is on its way...Trust me..A lot of times, it works.I know its difficult during sickness and death.But who knows, may be life is better after death than in this world.Mine or other's I am scared of death.Considering this i sometimes doubt if i should really believe in this statement.But then i think, there are a lot of things which are beyond our understanding.So all we can do is to live happily as long as we do and try to make things better for ourselves and others.And so i still believe "EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR GOOD."
next time you have something going wrong in your life, just take it this way and see...just convince yourself that it happened for good or atleast for a reason.I am sure it would help you a lot in taking things easy and finding a solution in calm and poise
Planning a trip

Monday, March 17, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
Made me think
Sj had an appointment with the dentist yesterday.He had an extra tooth coming up with deep roots which was causing him a lot of pain these days.So went to the doctor early morning 7.15[thats too early for me] yesterday...Sj had his tooth extracted and it took almost 2 hours since it was some surgical removal as it was deep rooted.So Sj took a leave yesterday and was at home.I got so busy yesterday that i even missed the thursday thirteen....Now he has to take liquid diet for a couple of days.I made soup in the morning, but it ended up being so salty that he preferred taking curd with sugar, what we call a Lassi.
When i ws waiting at the dentist's, i was flipping through the People magazine and there were these two articles which really struck me.A few days back i had made this post.This and then yesterday again this article made me ponder for sometime. The first article was about an 18 years old girl who made her boyfriend murder her whole family including mum,dad and two little brothers just because they denied of her relation with this elder guy.This kind of depressed
me deep in my heart.I really felt numb for sometime.It took me a few minutes to actually continue reading the entire article."SHE ACTUALLY GOT HER WHOLE FAMILY KILLED".God!I mean these younger brothers of hers where kids and innocent.They were shot and then slashed with knives.What is she? A Cannibal??!!...The family was actually a very loving one and the parents were supposed to be intimately close to the kids.The father of the girl after having been shot 5 times, crawled 300 feet into the neighbourhood and got help.This really makes me think the direction in which our world is leading us or we are leading our world.If we cant even love or respect our own immediate family, what would the next generation be like.Poeple are forgetting the value of love and relations.May be within a few years we will go back to the age of bows and arrows.
Now after really feeling downhearted reading this ,something that gave a pleasant feeling to my heart was reading this next article about these American parents.They have a boy who has this genetic disorder of dwarfism which makes the person have a retarded physical growth, but mentally stable.Even before the baby was born, they knew the child had this disorder and still went along with it.After the boy was born, they adopted a Korean Boy of the same age as of their son and who also suffers from the same genetic dwarfism.It was such a noble act of love.They treat both the kids with equal love and care.Both the boys are 12 years now and stand just 3 feet tall.Now both the kids have each other to share this difficult journey with.I mean how thoughtful of the parents.the parenst initially learned a bit of Korean to say "I Love You" and a few other things to their new son.
These were two extremely different articles i read yesterday which really touched my heart.If you haven't talked to your parents,brothers, sisters or any loved ones in the past few days, i just request you to call them today and let them know you love them a lot ,Because this is a weired and uncanny world,we never know what might happen tomorrow....
When i ws waiting at the dentist's, i was flipping through the People magazine and there were these two articles which really struck me.A few days back i had made this post.This and then yesterday again this article made me ponder for sometime. The first article was about an 18 years old girl who made her boyfriend murder her whole family including mum,dad and two little brothers just because they denied of her relation with this elder guy.This kind of depressed
me deep in my heart.I really felt numb for sometime.It took me a few minutes to actually continue reading the entire article."SHE ACTUALLY GOT HER WHOLE FAMILY KILLED".God!I mean these younger brothers of hers where kids and innocent.They were shot and then slashed with knives.What is she? A Cannibal??!!...The family was actually a very loving one and the parents were supposed to be intimately close to the kids.The father of the girl after having been shot 5 times, crawled 300 feet into the neighbourhood and got help.This really makes me think the direction in which our world is leading us or we are leading our world.If we cant even love or respect our own immediate family, what would the next generation be like.Poeple are forgetting the value of love and relations.May be within a few years we will go back to the age of bows and arrows.
Now after really feeling downhearted reading this ,something that gave a pleasant feeling to my heart was reading this next article about these American parents.They have a boy who has this genetic disorder of dwarfism which makes the person have a retarded physical growth, but mentally stable.Even before the baby was born, they knew the child had this disorder and still went along with it.After the boy was born, they adopted a Korean Boy of the same age as of their son and who also suffers from the same genetic dwarfism.It was such a noble act of love.They treat both the kids with equal love and care.Both the boys are 12 years now and stand just 3 feet tall.Now both the kids have each other to share this difficult journey with.I mean how thoughtful of the parents.the parenst initially learned a bit of Korean to say "I Love You" and a few other things to their new son.
These were two extremely different articles i read yesterday which really touched my heart.If you haven't talked to your parents,brothers, sisters or any loved ones in the past few days, i just request you to call them today and let them know you love them a lot ,Because this is a weired and uncanny world,we never know what might happen tomorrow....
Thursday, March 13, 2008
1. Contact may cause hazardous situations if they are from ex-boyfriends.
.2. The parties hereto do mutually agree not to drag a fight for more than an hour..[hey..its boring after that] .
3. Disney parks are for kids.
4. Week end sounds really good right about now!
5. I positively will finish a novel this weekend[ not that i have started reading one, but i want to :).
6.A phone call from family and friends always makes me smile :-)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to just being at home with Sj, tomorrow my plans include getting a few books from the library and getting some documnets sighed by the notary and Sunday, I want to watch a movies...any movie!
.2. The parties hereto do mutually agree not to drag a fight for more than an hour..[hey..its boring after that] .
3. Disney parks are for kids.
4. Week end sounds really good right about now!
5. I positively will finish a novel this weekend[ not that i have started reading one, but i want to :).
6.A phone call from family and friends always makes me smile :-)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to just being at home with Sj, tomorrow my plans include getting a few books from the library and getting some documnets sighed by the notary and Sunday, I want to watch a movies...any movie!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Learners and License

I dont have driving license....Shocked??? yeah...i really dont.Not even back in my country.It really isn't much of a necessity back in my country.More than 80% of the female population dont drive.Come on atleast 25 years back 60% of them were hardly educated,got married at 15 and all they do was to be a home maker looking after their husband and 10-14 kid...lol....Okai, now that doesn't mean we have a weak female population.Things are really changing and women exeeds men in many fields now a days.Trust me,im really proud to be from my country too.But driving is optional in my country.There are lots and lots of inexpensive public transport.But i really had plans to take a license there.But once i knew i was coming to US i decided i would get it after coming here as we drive on the left side of the road back in my country and the steeirng is on the right side of the car.So i didn't want to be confused once i come here.So i am planning to take my learners this week or by next week for sure.I am on a dependent visa and dont have a SSN like my husband and all of you.So i need to get a letter from the SSN office before i take the learners and have to give the test in another city.I was going through the rules book today.It doesn't seem to be very difficult.In case you have any tips for me regarding the preparation, i would be happy to hear them...
Monday, March 10, 2008
Tagged by nononsense girl i really enjoyed doing this.Just grab a book nearest to you.open any page randomly and write the first 5 sentences.... wow, This is fun....
The book nearest to me now is "The rain Maker" by John Grasham..... here it goes...
"How old are you"?
"You ask a lot of question,"I say with a smile.Her eyes are sparkling.
"Twenty-Five",How old are you?
She thinks about this for a second.
okai... I am tagging Sissy and anybody else who wana play.If you r playing, please leave your link in the comment here so that i can visit ur blog and read your meme.Have a great time all.....
The book nearest to me now is "The rain Maker" by John Grasham..... here it goes...
"How old are you"?
"You ask a lot of question,"I say with a smile.Her eyes are sparkling.
"Twenty-Five",How old are you?
She thinks about this for a second.
okai... I am tagging Sissy and anybody else who wana play.If you r playing, please leave your link in the comment here so that i can visit ur blog and read your meme.Have a great time all.....
Friday, March 7, 2008
Trip to St.Louis
I am so happy its week end again.Last week end we had gone to St.Louis and it was really good there.Las t sunday the temperature had gone up to 72F.That was so unexpected.Though our plans were to start really early in the morning, at one point the dropped the idea going as Sj was feeling very tired.So we both slept again nad suddenly at 12pm we decided we would go.Its 3 hours from here.We reahed there by 4.30 and the weather was beautiful.It was almost like a day in summer.We were lucky that we were early enough to get the tram to the top of the arch.The view was amazing from there.It was build somewhere in 1935.Its an architectural marval considering the fact that 1930s were an age when much sophesticated construction techniques were not invented like today.I enjoyed the ride in the small tram though it was a bit scary,atleast for me.Once on the top, many times i felt like the arch was moving.Im not sure if it was just my frightened consciousness or the wind.However i am sure it was the strong wind from the riverfront since im not very thrilled about accepting the former.Actually i even thought of the 9/11 when i was at that height and it alarmed me a bit.I feel the 9/11 incident has in someway shaken the secure feeling from many a hearts like mine.After we came down we took a royal horse ride in the river front.I felt like i was somewhere in the street scene from some 1950 Marilyn Monroe movie.[Okai,now that was a bit of exageration, cuz i have not seen many movies of 1950s, call it my version of poetic justice]. But the city really looked beautiful and is maintained as it was in olden times and i basically loved it.It was just the rate of the horse ride that was disappointing.the guy had told as he would take us for an half an hour ride for $45.Ironically the horse whose name was "lightning" started moving in a slower pace then a snail and in half an hour[to an fro] it took us to a distance which we would have covered in 10minutes walking.It really wasn't worth the money.But i still had fun.It was a change for me from my regular boring days at home and this was my first trip out of my state after i came here and i freally cherich it.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
1. Ahhhh, it's so nice that the freezing winter is coming to an end.[There are lots of places i wana visit]
2. One of my favorite things on my bureau is my diamond ring,hmm...[*updated]does that sound i bit show off though thats the truth..okai, then..i like my small teddy bear too...it a lovely one with flexible long legs....
3. Japanese Cherry Blossom is also seen in India,China and Korea[I am serious...lol].
4.My love seat is my favorite place to sit and read.
5. Any Food and Drinks if given with love are delicious![eh,,,not applicable to jalappinos's beans,boiled potatoes,brinjal and ladies finger and anything without enough salt]
6. I love to watch romance in movies.[i really do]
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going out for dinner with Sj, tomorrow my plans include visiting the library as i couldn't go last week and Sunday, I want to clean the house and do laundry [sob....sob...]!
2. One of my favorite things on my bureau is my diamond ring,hmm...[*updated]does that sound i bit show off though thats the truth..okai, then..i like my small teddy bear too...it a lovely one with flexible long legs....
3. Japanese Cherry Blossom is also seen in India,China and Korea[I am serious...lol].
4.My love seat is my favorite place to sit and read.
5. Any Food and Drinks if given with love are delicious![eh,,,not applicable to jalappinos's beans,boiled potatoes,brinjal and ladies finger and anything without enough salt]
6. I love to watch romance in movies.[i really do]
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to going out for dinner with Sj, tomorrow my plans include visiting the library as i couldn't go last week and Sunday, I want to clean the house and do laundry [sob....sob...]!
New Look!
I have been thinking of giving a make over for my blog since a few days.I tried many looks and it was a tough decision to make.Finally i got this and really loved this.Hope you all liked it too .It took me a lot of time to fix up everything back in place as the links and other stuffs i had added had been lost. What actually made me finalize on this is my love for dogs.I loooooooooooove Dogs.Sj just like all other dissimilarities, loves cats.Not that i dont like cats,but i prefer dogs.Anyway our building management dont allow pets here.Moreover I am scared that they would dirty the house.I have already read scray blogs on naughty pets.Considering these two factors, I dont have a pet now.But someday i'l surely get one.
Chikku :)
Chikku :)

I want to give this award to my blogging friends Grace and Deena.They are both suffering from cancer and are so couragiously fighting it.
Hats off to you both.Im learning a ot of things in life from you both.Im learning and love and respect myself and my life more.God bless you both!!!I am sure you would both feel much better in the coming days.
Thursday Thirteens! # 4
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OMG!I never realized today is thursday.I cant accept the pace at which each day passes.Thanks brenda nd for reminding me that its time for TT.Since i hadn't thought of anything and since i cant think of anything soon,i thught i'l write about Sydney Sheldon.The first novel which i finished in a day in my life was "Windmills Of God" when i was 16.That still remains my favourite thriller.Though I like Shelden's works, he is not my favourite auther.We kind of get used to his novels after 3-4 of them.But i feel noone can create susoense as he does. 1)Sheldon was born Sidney Schechtel in Chicago, Illinois, to parents of Russian Jewish ancestry 2)At 10, he made his first sale, $10 for a poem. 3The Naked Face is his first novel. 4)Sheldon contemplated suicide as a teenager, was forced out of college by the Depression. 5)It was estimated that as many as 300 million copies of his 18 novels are in print, in a total of 51 languages 6)He was in the Army Air Forces service in World War II. 7)Several of his novels became television miniseries, often with the Sheldon severing as producer. 8))Once, fire threatened his California home. Told to snatch his most prized possessions and prepare to flee, he spurned everything but pens and paper. 9)His novels are more appreciated for their reader appeal and hard work than than their literary merit. 10)Mr. Sheldon turned to fiction only in his 50s, after having an idea for a thriller he felt was too psychologically nuanced for film, TV or the stage. 11) He was married for more than 30 years to Jorja Curtright Sheldon, a stage and film actress. After her death in 1985 he married Alexandra Sheldon, a former child actress ana their daughter Mary Sheldon Dastin is an author too. 12)He said in interviews "I like to write about women, who are talented and capable, but most important, retain their femininity. Women have tremendous power, their femininity, because men can't do without it.""I like to write about women, who are talented and capable, but most important, retain their femininity. Women have tremendous power, their femininity, because men can't do without it." "If I write about a place, I have been there. If I write about a meal in Indonesia, I have eaten there in that restaurant. I don't think you can fool the reader." 13)After a career that had earned him a Tony, an Oscar and an Emmy,Sheldon died January 30, 2007 of complications from pneumonia at Eisenhower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage, California |
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Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Revised Schedule
Great plans from today.
Want to hit the gym.
Wanted to go ealry.Getting lazy.I'l go now.
Want to revise some study material for a change.
I am so sleepy.
Not sure how many of my plans would really work.
Want to hit the gym.
Wanted to go ealry.Getting lazy.I'l go now.
Want to revise some study material for a change.
I am so sleepy.
Not sure how many of my plans would really work.
Orange A day
"An orange a day keeps the apple away".Well, thats what i think.Strange,I dont like apples and really like oranges, especially the sweet seedless ones.
This photo is the result my extreme boredom yesterday.I took my camera n tried out many different things with it.Since i really couldn't tolerate the cold outside, had to rely on the fruits in my fridge.There were nearly 50 photos taken out of which hardly a few came out bearable.My dining table makes my entire studio.I really have to work harder on clicking pics without a shake.Anyway im at the beginning stage and got lots to learn.I couldn't figure out why the orange had a discolouration in the photo at the top.Guess its the light.But even after i tried different angles, i couldn't avoid that completely.So if any of you can suggest a remedy for that, I would be grateful.
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Please read this!
I read this somewhere and thought i would share it with all.This seemed so true for me and felt that all of you who read this might feel the same. Enjoy each and every day of our lives.
The older I get, the more I enjoy Saturday mornings. Perhaps it's the quiet solitude that comes with being the first to rise, or maybe it's the unbounded joy of not having to be at work. Either way, the first few hours of a Saturday morning are most enjoyable.A few weeks ago, I was shuffling toward the basement ham-shack with a steaming cup of coffee in one hand and the morning paper in the other.What began as a typical Saturday morning turned into one of those lessons that life seems to hand you from time to time. Let me tell you about it.I turned the dial up into the phone portion of the band on my ham radio in order to listen to a Saturday morning swap net. Along the way, I came across an older sounding chap, with a tremendous signal and a golden voice.You know the kind; he sounded like he should be in the broadcasting business.He was telling whomever he was talking with something about "a thousand marbles." I was intrigued and stopped to listen to what he had to say.
"Well, Tom, it sure sounds like you're busy with your job. I'm sure they pay you well but it's a shame you have to be away from home and your family so much. Hard to believe a young fellow should have to work sixty or seventy hours a week to make ends meet. Too bad you missed your daughter's dance recital he continued, "Let me tell you something Tom, something that has helped me keep a good perspective on my own priorities.
"And that's when he began to explain his theory of a "thousand marbles.""You see, I sat down one day and did a little arithmetic. The average person lives about seventy-five years. I know, some live more and some live less, but on average, folks live about seventy-five years. Now then, I multiplied 75 times 52 and I came up with 3900, which is the number of Saturdays that the average person has in their entire lifetime."
"Now, stick with me, Tom, I'm getting to the important part. It took me until I was fifty-five years old to think about all this in any detail" he went on, "and by that time I had lived through over twenty-eight hundred Saturdays. I got to thinking that if I lived to be seventy-five, I only had about a thousand of them left to enjoy. So I went to a toy store and bought every single marble they had. I ended up having to visit three toy stores to round up 1000 marbles. I took them home and put them inside a large, clear plastic container right here in the sack next to my gear." "Every Saturday since then, I have taken one marble out and thrown it away. I found that by watching the marbles diminish, I focus more on the really important things in life. There is nothing like watching your time here on this earth run out to help get your priorities straight."
"Now let me tell you one last thing before I sign-off with you and take my lovely wife out for breakfast. This morning, I took the very last marble out of the container. I figure that if I make it until next Saturday then I have been given a little extra time. And the one thing we can all use is a little more time." "It was nice to meet you Tom, I hope you spend more time with your family, and I hope to meet you again here on the band.
This is 75 Year Old Man, K9NZQ, clear and going QRT, good morning!" You could have heard a pin drop on the band when this fellow signed off. I guess he gave us all a lot to think about. I had planned to work on the antenna that morning, and then I was going to meet up with a few hams to work on the next club newsletter. Instead, I went upstairs and woke my wife up with a kiss. "C'mon honey, I'm taking you and the kids to breakfast." "What brought this on?" she asked with a smile. "Oh, nothing special, it's just been a long time since we spent a Saturday together with the kids. And hey, can we stop at a toy store while we're out? I need to buy some marbles....
The older I get, the more I enjoy Saturday mornings. Perhaps it's the quiet solitude that comes with being the first to rise, or maybe it's the unbounded joy of not having to be at work. Either way, the first few hours of a Saturday morning are most enjoyable.A few weeks ago, I was shuffling toward the basement ham-shack with a steaming cup of coffee in one hand and the morning paper in the other.What began as a typical Saturday morning turned into one of those lessons that life seems to hand you from time to time. Let me tell you about it.I turned the dial up into the phone portion of the band on my ham radio in order to listen to a Saturday morning swap net. Along the way, I came across an older sounding chap, with a tremendous signal and a golden voice.You know the kind; he sounded like he should be in the broadcasting business.He was telling whomever he was talking with something about "a thousand marbles." I was intrigued and stopped to listen to what he had to say.
"Well, Tom, it sure sounds like you're busy with your job. I'm sure they pay you well but it's a shame you have to be away from home and your family so much. Hard to believe a young fellow should have to work sixty or seventy hours a week to make ends meet. Too bad you missed your daughter's dance recital he continued, "Let me tell you something Tom, something that has helped me keep a good perspective on my own priorities.
"And that's when he began to explain his theory of a "thousand marbles.""You see, I sat down one day and did a little arithmetic. The average person lives about seventy-five years. I know, some live more and some live less, but on average, folks live about seventy-five years. Now then, I multiplied 75 times 52 and I came up with 3900, which is the number of Saturdays that the average person has in their entire lifetime."
"Now, stick with me, Tom, I'm getting to the important part. It took me until I was fifty-five years old to think about all this in any detail" he went on, "and by that time I had lived through over twenty-eight hundred Saturdays. I got to thinking that if I lived to be seventy-five, I only had about a thousand of them left to enjoy. So I went to a toy store and bought every single marble they had. I ended up having to visit three toy stores to round up 1000 marbles. I took them home and put them inside a large, clear plastic container right here in the sack next to my gear." "Every Saturday since then, I have taken one marble out and thrown it away. I found that by watching the marbles diminish, I focus more on the really important things in life. There is nothing like watching your time here on this earth run out to help get your priorities straight."
"Now let me tell you one last thing before I sign-off with you and take my lovely wife out for breakfast. This morning, I took the very last marble out of the container. I figure that if I make it until next Saturday then I have been given a little extra time. And the one thing we can all use is a little more time." "It was nice to meet you Tom, I hope you spend more time with your family, and I hope to meet you again here on the band.
This is 75 Year Old Man, K9NZQ, clear and going QRT, good morning!" You could have heard a pin drop on the band when this fellow signed off. I guess he gave us all a lot to think about. I had planned to work on the antenna that morning, and then I was going to meet up with a few hams to work on the next club newsletter. Instead, I went upstairs and woke my wife up with a kiss. "C'mon honey, I'm taking you and the kids to breakfast." "What brought this on?" she asked with a smile. "Oh, nothing special, it's just been a long time since we spent a Saturday together with the kids. And hey, can we stop at a toy store while we're out? I need to buy some marbles....
Monday, March 3, 2008
Laundry :(

OMG!!! Its already 5.10 n i have gota do my laundry before Sj comes...Shit!!!There is this next blockbuster cd waiting since 4-5 days..we wana watch it today...i slept most of the day today... Ooppss...I got to cook too... Im planning to cook chicken n mushroon today... Sj would be back by 6.I atleast gota dump all the clothes in the machine by then.... God..Y do clothes have to get dirty... We do people even have to wear so many clothes[ in a week in the 1st place]...It would have been good if we were in the ages of bows n arrows...I dont think anyone did laundry those days.... Bottom line is....I HATE DOING LAUNDRY!!! okai...lemme go do it now...
Saturday, March 1, 2008
cant believe this!!!

I cant actually believe that this is happening.A mom wants her own daughter killed.How evil?I hope all might have read about Lauren Richardson who went to a coma after a drug over dose.I dont know if she is already dead.I hope not.I read that even though she is showing signs of improvement, her mother still wants the food tube removed.I have all my prayers with her dad who is fighting for his daughter.The most cruel thing is that she is being starved to death.This is inhuman.My heart felt the pain when i saw her video in which she was shown as responding to poeple.May be she wants to live.How cruel is it to starve and murder a disabled person.Couldn't they atleast give her a more peaceful and easy death.Lord,i cant believe this is happening.Whhat kind of person is her mother.How can a mother who bore her child in her womb be so cunning towards her own daughter.This is same as it happened with Terri Schiavo.I pray to God to give her a quick n painless death if they remove the tube.I pity her child who would have to live wth such a cruel grand mother.
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