Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Orange A day

"An orange a day keeps the apple away".Well, thats what i think.Strange,I dont like apples and really like oranges, especially the sweet seedless ones.
This photo is the result my extreme boredom yesterday.I took my camera n tried out many different things with it.Since i really couldn't tolerate the cold outside, had to rely on the fruits in my fridge.There were nearly 50 photos taken out of which hardly a few came out bearable.My dining table makes my entire studio.I really have to work harder on clicking pics without a shake.Anyway im at the beginning stage and got lots to learn.I couldn't figure out why the orange had a discolouration in the photo at the top.Guess its the light.But even after i tried different angles, i couldn't avoid that completely.So if any of you can suggest a remedy for that, I would be grateful.


Ananya said...

U can take the picture in the normal mode and edit it in picasa...its an easier job and makes ur job easier! good luck!

Unknown said...

Fun shot, do you have photoshop, it works miracles.