Thursday, March 20, 2008

Leaving tonight

FInally we are going to Arkansas tonight.Sj and 3 other of his friends will drive.Its 10 hours from here and may b an hour on breaks.We weren't very sure about going yesterday since our friend's baby got sick.But she is better now.We can check in there only by 8am.So we are off from here by 11pm.We got a good deal on the accomodation.A room and kitchen cabin stay for all of us at $250.We got to buy some stuff for breakfast tomorrow before we leave.I am just hoping that i'l have fun.All of you have a great week end.


sissy said...

You will have a great time, I'm sure!! Sounds lovely. I've been to Arkansas and there are some beautiful places. Have fun, drive safe, take care and 'see' you when you get back.

Addicted to crafting said...

stay safe!!! Have fun!

sissy said...

hey, thanks for commenting on my daughter's blog. she is happy happy joy joy. she was real happy to see someone besides me had read it. thanks again.

Ananya said... worries about having fun! u just need to loosen up and u'll have fun! have a safe trip!

jAMiE said...

Hope you've had a wonderful weekend...take care, read you when you get back!