Sj had an appointment with the dentist yesterday.He had an extra tooth coming up with deep roots which was causing him a lot of pain these days.So went to the doctor early morning 7.15[thats too early for me] yesterday...Sj had his tooth extracted and it took almost 2 hours since it was some surgical removal as it was deep rooted.So Sj took a leave yesterday and was at home.I got so busy yesterday that i even missed the thursday thirteen....Now he has to take liquid diet for a couple of days.I made soup in the morning, but it ended up being so salty that he preferred taking curd with sugar, what we call a Lassi.
When i ws waiting at the dentist's, i was flipping through the People magazine and there were these two articles which really struck me.A few days back i had made this post.This and then yesterday again this article made me ponder for sometime. The first article was about an 18 years old girl who made her boyfriend murder her whole family including mum,dad and two little brothers just because they denied of her relation with this elder guy.This kind of depressed
me deep in my heart.I really felt numb for sometime.It took me a few minutes to actually continue reading the entire article."SHE ACTUALLY GOT HER WHOLE FAMILY KILLED".God!I mean these younger brothers of hers where kids and innocent.They were shot and then slashed with knives.What is she? A Cannibal??!!...The family was actually a very loving one and the parents were supposed to be intimately close to the kids.The father of the girl after having been shot 5 times, crawled 300 feet into the neighbourhood and got help.This really makes me think the direction in which our world is leading us or we are leading our world.If we cant even love or respect our own immediate family, what would the next generation be like.Poeple are forgetting the value of love and relations.May be within a few years we will go back to the age of bows and arrows.
Now after really feeling downhearted reading this ,something that gave a pleasant feeling to my heart was reading this next article about these American parents.They have a boy who has this genetic disorder of dwarfism which makes the person have a retarded physical growth, but mentally stable.Even before the baby was born, they knew the child had this disorder and still went along with it.After the boy was born, they adopted a Korean Boy of the same age as of their son and who also suffers from the same genetic dwarfism.It was such a noble act of love.They treat both the kids with equal love and care.Both the boys are 12 years now and stand just 3 feet tall.Now both the kids have each other to share this difficult journey with.I mean how thoughtful of the parents.the parenst initially learned a bit of Korean to say "I Love You" and a few other things to their new son.
These were two extremely different articles i read yesterday which really touched my heart.If you haven't talked to your parents,brothers, sisters or any loved ones in the past few days, i just request you to call them today and let them know you love them a lot ,Because this is a weired and uncanny world,we never know what might happen tomorrow....
I read both the articles you mentioned and had pretty much the same reaction to them you did too. I couldn't believe the horror of that girl! Well, that's not true. Sadly, it happens a lot. And it's heartbreaking. I never understand how people's minds work. That's why I want to get into forensic psychology. I want to learn about the human mind and what causes people to become the way they do. As for the other article, it was awesome! Those people were inspirational. It was uplifting and I was touched too.
Hey, is your birthday coming up? My daughter's is Monday. 7!!
chikku, how tragic eh? :(
@ no nonsense
yeah..erally sad..i felt very bad after reading it...
Children obey your father and mother that your days may be long on this earth!!
bible based, Christ centered
that's what our country needs most.
lovingly, deena
Oh darn, i left a comment and had forgot to sign in ...shoots.
Basically i said i had the same reaction that you had to both articles...sad by the first and uplifted by the second.
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