Do you believe in this saying "everything happens for good".I am a strong believer of the saying.Among Sj and me I can usually handle stress better than him.When something goes worng and if he is upset about it, i can always be stronger and influence him to think positive.I somehow have many reasons and experiences which made me believe this. But now a days when i feel a bit low, i question myself about this belief. I doubt if this is really true or is it just my way of coping with my blues.I am not sure.It wasn't this way till a few years back.I used to often blame god a lot if things went wrong for me.I used to cry and blame myself for many reasons and make a hell out of the situation making me all the more miserable.But then, after i started getting to believe this statement,i have reduced doing it.But i used to think why does things have to go wrong.If not for me then others.Why cant god just make everything go right.Afterall God is the supreme power, capable of everything.It might sound funny, but the other day when I watched this scene from Bruce Almighty, where God explains to Bruce about the old lady who had to lead a lonely life with lots of money who was otherwise to join her sister, I kind of felt may be its true.May be i am completely right in believing that everything happens for good. I dont know if its right or worng, but it sure makes me a lot optimistic and gives me a lot of peace and happiness in life.When ever something goes wrong, I feel may be something better is on its way...Trust me..A lot of times, it works.I know its difficult during sickness and death.But who knows, may be life is better after death than in this world.Mine or other's I am scared of death.Considering this i sometimes doubt if i should really believe in this statement.But then i think, there are a lot of things which are beyond our understanding.So all we can do is to live happily as long as we do and try to make things better for ourselves and others.And so i still believe "EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR GOOD."
next time you have something going wrong in your life, just take it this way and see...just convince yourself that it happened for good or atleast for a reason.I am sure it would help you a lot in taking things easy and finding a solution in calm and poise
Wow! It's hard to even address the idea of everything happening for the greater good. I know it's a tough one for me to grasp. And I can't say I know for sure how I even feel about it. Do I feel my little baby cousin being shot in the head in her mothers arms was for the good? No. Yet, had it not happened her parents would not have continued down their chosen paths and two children would likely not have been born at all. And those two are a blessing. It's tough. In terms of death, though, I do feel it's for the best (though it's circumstances are brutal and cruel at times). Death is only the beginning. I don't pretend to know what happens, but something does. Of that, I have no doubt. The concept of everything ending when we take our last breath is devastating and, to me, makes no sense. In the universal picture, the time spent on earth in our bodies is too short for there not to be something else. And if there isn't something worth earning when we're gone, then why try to live a kind, good, decent life? Whoo...I ramble. I could go on and on...and did. But, I think the bottom line is that we each have to find our own comfort zone about those things. And that's really the hard part isn't it? Living (rough as it can be) and dying (heartbreaking as it can be) really is the easy part, finding yourself is not so easy a task.
It's definitely a good way to think...
@ Sissy
I have no idea how i should interpret this when it comes to death.I really dont know.I'l confess that im scared of deaths.As u said there is no explanation for what happenned to ur baby cousin.I thnk of it myself sometimes.. As i said i sometimes wonder if its a right thought.But the bottomline is in many circumstances it helps me stay poised and optimistic.Death in all ways is beyond my understanding and to tell you the truth, i have never wanted to understand it too.May be i'l try it at an age when i feel closer to death.I feel sorry for your cousin and her parents...But i still feel when it comes to the other day to day problems this thought can help a lot.
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