Tuesday, May 13, 2008


I went to Chicago last weekend.It was fun.On saturday we went to watch a show by some Indian artists.It was really fun.There some actors from India.Though i wasn't very interested in going and went just cuz my dad insisted that i did, im really am glad i went.I really enjoyed watching the show.On Sunday i shopped,shopped and shopped again.But all i ended up buying were 2 t-shirts [one for Sj and one for my brother] and a skirt n top.The skirt n top are for the wedding this Saturday.This is the first American wedding im ever attending. always wanted to attend one.The weddings over here are very different from ours.I love the white beautiful dresses brides wear.Im hoping to buy one for myself when i have a job abd can afford one.I knows it sounds insane.But i really want one.The new skirt i bought is black, knee length and the top is white.I loved the skirt and the top, i just liked it.I cant say i loved it.But it was all i could come up with after shoppung for 3 hours.I went mad.Everything i found was either too short, or too deep at the neck or with string sleeves and im not comfortable wearing them.I wish i was thinner.Im 129 pounds now.sob.. sob.. There was this black dress i had liked and had a good fit too.But somehow i didn't buy that.I think too many black dresses i found there got me confused.Whatever!i have somemore shopping to do.There is a function at the temple on June 17th.We are dancing for the function.We started our practice yesterday.I have to go for rpactice today too.Hope u all had a great week end too.Have fun.enjoy your day.


sissy said...

Shopping for the perfect dress can be a nightmare. However, it's a nightmare I love to have. Shopping is my favorite hobby. I think it sounds like you did a fine job picking something out. Classy.

non compos mentis said...

i love shopping too... i can shop shop n shop for hour... thank god, Sj n my dad both r patient too... they wait till i finish i shopping... but we had less time this day cuz we had to be beck in my place early...So that kinda too its toll on everyone...except me :)..lol...