Wednesday, September 30, 2015

I am the bee!

I am the bee, I am the bee.
I have to be at my métier.
If you get to me, come close to me,
I have to be, oh just a bee.
I have to sting, You, my invader,
you feel the prick, I die in pain.

Friday, September 4, 2015

Lost at the station

The last time I knew I was sleeping tight, but then woke up from this dream which although wasn't a nightmare, still got my heart beat up. To speak in scientific reasoning ( for no reason and just to show off), I knew my heart rate variability was going down, which is technically a sign of stress. After a few minutes of resisting having to wake up, I open my eyes just to see that it is still a long time to sunrise. It is dark outside and the time is 4.30am. I could go back to sleep, read some of the chapters I have to finish, send some emails long pending, well, do so many things. Instead I decide to jot down my dream into my blog. Hmmm! I wonder why though. Well, works anyway. My blog needs some updating. 

Tuk tuk tuk tuk, tuk tuk tuk tuk
I stay composed as my fretful heart pounds
The little one shouldn't see,
The little one shouldn't know
The antsy perturbed me
Where are they? Where are all?
Trains to the left, trains to the right
I hold her little hand tight.

Tuk tuk tuk tuk, tuk tuk tuk tuk
I stay composed as my fretful heart pounds
Get into the train to see places unseen
Says the train conductor,
I want to go home I mumble
The next train will take me home, he promises
But where are they, where are all?

Tuk tuk tuk tuk, tuk tuk tuk tuk
I stay composed as my fretful heart pounds,
There they are, the oldest one in white I see,
Traipse towards me, her hands held 
Taut to the one beside her
They will get to me soon and 
The trains will take me home. 
Tuk tik tuk tik tuk tik tuk tik.